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Hi, my name is Evan Quon. My passion for photography started in my senior year of highschool by picking up a entry-level camera and capturing the moments I wanted to remember for the rest of my life.  Photography in my life grew more and more into a lifestyle the more I progressed into the field, but wait... you may be wondering what types of photography I am into.  Well I personally like to shoot cars such as exotics, tuners, muscle, classic-muscle, and etc. Life with photography has definitely been my stress reliever for the past 2 years now and has been helping me cope with life since.  I have shot with many professionals as a way to learn what the business is like, how to shoot efficiently, treat the clients with the utmost respect, and learn many styles of shooting as well as perspective.  I hope this read about my bio was interesting to you and you enjoy my portfolio. 

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